The HealingHER Collective 

I can finally say that I am a recovering people pleaser.  Most of my life, I have been the easy going one, the agreeable one,  the pleasant one, the one who didn’t make waves, cause conflict or drama.  While those attributes may all seem admirable, they’re actually not healthy when you’re not able to set clear and healthy boundaries or feel incapable of enforcing your boundaries because the idea of conflict and confrontation makes you so uncomfortable.  

When you deny your truth and self-abandon, you lose your sense of self.  When you put other’s needs before your own or don’t feel worthy of having your own needs met, you start to lose who you are because your sense of value and worth is intricately tied to how happy you make others. This dynamic is not sustainable.  Eventually, you may end up depleting yourself and have nothing left to give.  Eventually, you may burn out.  Eventually, you may realize that you are not responsible for other people’s happiness.  That is something we each need to find within ourselves! No one person or thing can make another happy.

When we get so far away from who we truly are, we start to eventually manifest physical symptoms of pain,  illness and dis-ease – this pain can be emotional, physical, spiritual, mental etc.  We start to lose connection to our joy, the joy that we all innately have within us. 

Diving deep into my Human Design and “tapping” on various aspects of my chart, has been so helpful in understanding how deeply these patterns were woven into the fabric of my life.  Tapping also allowed me to re-write those self-limiting beliefs so I could let them go and be who I am without apologies. Following my strategy and authority has helped me make better decisions that best serve my higher purpose rather than making decisions to make other people happy.  It’s allowed me to reconnect with my Joy and to see that it’s not selfish to take care of myself first so I can take better care of others, so that I can be sustainable and live out my purpose in its highest expression.

Does this resonate?  Are you also a people pleaser? Do you want to break free of the cycle?  

I’m a recovering people pleaser.  Most of my life, I have been the easy going one, the agreeable one,  the pleasant one, the one who didn’t make waves, cause conflict or drama.  While those attributes may all seem admirable, they’re actually not healthy when you’re not able to set clear and healthy boundaries or feel incapable of enforcing your boundaries because the idea of conflict and confrontation makes you so uncomfortable.  

When you deny your truth and self-abandon, you lose your sense of self.  When you put other’s needs before your own or don’t feel worthy of having your own needs met, you start to lose who you are because your sense of value and worth is intricately tied to how happy you make others. This dynamic is not sustainable.  Eventually, you may end up depleting yourself and have nothing left to give.  Eventually, you may burn out.  Eventually, you may realize that you are not responsible for other people’s happiness.  That is something we each need to find within ourselves! No one person or thing can make another happy.

When we get so far away from who we truly are, we start to eventually manifest physical symptoms of pain,  illness and dis-ease – this pain can be emotional, physical, spiritual, mental etc.  We start to lose connection to our joy, the joy that we all innately have within us. 

Diving deep into my Human Design and “tapping” on various aspects of my chart, has been so helpful in understanding how deeply these patterns were woven into the fabric of my life.  Tapping also allowed me to re-write those self-limiting beliefs so I could let them go and be who I am without apologies. Following my strategy and authority has helped me make better decisions that best serve my higher purpose rather than making decisions to make other people happy.  It’s allowed me to reconnect with my Joy and to see that it’s not selfish to take care of myself first so I can take better care of others, so that I can be sustainable and live out my purpose in its highest expression.

Does this resonate?  Are you also a people pleaser? Do you want to break free of the cycle?  

People Pleasing

First Step is Awareness…

May 25, 2022

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Hey, my name's Corissa, Founder/Blogger and here to help you create a life you love.