The HealingHER Collective 

If you were to poll random strangers and ask them whether or not they had found their purpose in life, they would likely look at you quizzically.  Most people would assume that you were asking if they had found their dream job or whether they loved being Tommy’s mom or dad, David’s wife or Sarah’s husband.  I guarantee that many would not even really know how to answer the question.

I likely would have also been confounded by the question if you had asked me five years ago.  Actually, I probably would have laughed and replied with a smart-a$$ response like, “Have you?”

Searching for purpose and meaning can elude all of us, and for some, it can feel like a lifelong quest.  Well, what if I told you that you could easily find your purpose?  Would you believe me?

You see, purpose is not something you DO; it is who you are BEing.  You were born with a purpose, and that purpose is to become the best, most authentic version of who YOU are.  You are here to play an irreplaceable role in this world, and only you can fulfill it. 

All of the experiences you have had and the lessons you have learned make you unique.  Through your learnings and experiences, you have developed a unique perspective on the world, and you are here to use share that with others (according to your Human Design Strategy and Authority) to broaden the perspective of others, provided you are coming from a deep well of love and not fear. 

Now, some of us may wake up wondering who the hell we are and if there is more to life than what we have experienced up until this point.  I know I experienced this awakening around the age of 41.  I didn’t recognize myself.  I had lost my voice, my confidence, and my inner light. 

“purpose is not something you DO; it is who you are BEing.  You were born with a purpose, and that purpose is to become the best, most authentic version of who YOU are.  You are here to play an irreplaceable role in this world, and only you can fulfill it.” 

I went on a quest to figure out and remember who I was.  It was during this time that I was fatefully told about Human Design.  If you’ve been following me for a while or have read either of my books, you will have already read all about how I came across Human Design and how it impacted my life. 

If you’ve never heard of Human Design, let me tell you a little bit about it.  It’s a beautiful self-discovery tool that blends together ancient wisdom with modern science.  It can show you how you are meant to use your energy in the world, how you are meant to make big decisions and live out your life purpose (hint hint: it’s by fully expressing your authentic self!).  It can also help you create healthy relationships that reflect your true value and worth and teach you how to activate a greater sense of well-being.

If you are struggling for purpose, spend a little time intimately connecting back to who you are.  There is so much power, wisdom, and knowing that you hold within you.  Understanding what you are naturally good at and then utilizing those gifts in a way that allows you to share them with the world can feel deeply fulfilling and wildly satisfying.

Would you like to learn more about how Human Design can help you find your purpose and reconnect back to the true story of who you are?  Then check out my latest book collaboration, Purpose by Design, written by nine inspiring women and me, with a foreword written by Karen Curry Parker

If you are interested in a Human Design Reading or one-on-one Coaching, don’t hesitate to contact me on my socials @corissastepp or book an appointment at  

You can also check out my new podcast:  Stepping Into Meaningful Relationships, now streaming on all major podcast platforms.

Authenticity, Blog, Human design, Life Purpose

What is Your Life Purpose?

February 6, 2023

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I'm so happy you're here! This Blog was created as a way to share content with anyone who is interested in personal healing and self-discovery in order to create a life that allows them to stand in their Truth, live out their Purpose and reconnect to their Joy. Happy reading!   

Hey, my name's Corissa, Founder/Blogger and here to help you create a life you love.