The HealingHER Collective 

People Pleasing is a behavior often learned in childhood as a self-preservation technique. It becomes a way of getting our needs met by receiving recognition or attention for being “the good girl or boy,” the “helpful one,” the “easy-going one,” the “kind and generous one,” the “selfless one,” the “thoughtful one,” the “high achiever,” the […]

The Truth About People Pleasing

People Pleasing

If you listen to the radio and flip through the stations, you’ll start to notice a pattern in the lyrics of the songs. Similarly, if you were to read any number of romance novels or watch movies that involve a love story, you will also potentially notice the same pattern. Daily, we consume media riddled […]

Breaking the Chains, Rewriting the Narrative


Imagine at birth, you were given all of the pieces of a puzzle that you needed to become the best version of you.  Imagine then throughout your life, that you learned to hide some of the pieces because you didn’t think they would help you fit in.  Perhaps you took pieces from others that you believed would help […]

What If In Order to Come Together, We First Have to Fall Apart?


If you had asked me several years ago if I identified more with the good girl or the rebel, I likely would have said the good girl, hands down (with a few exceptions).  My need to “be the good girl” came from 1) a deep desire to avoid conflict at all costs (because it made […]

Are You the Good Girl or the Rebel?


For most of my life, I have been the easy going one, the agreeable one,  the pleasant one, the one who didn’t make waves, cause conflict or drama.  I never tried to take up more space than I occupied (unless I was on stage) and I would often avoid conflict and confrontation because it made […]

Are You a People Pleaser?


Recovering from people pleasing does not mean you have to become selfish, greedy or uncaring.  It is about having empathy and empowering others so they can step into their own power to “fix” themselves or their situation.   It’s accepting help from others and realizing it’s not a imposition if someone else is offering support. […]

Are Your Scales Tipped to One Side?
