The HealingHER Collective 

In the midst of Gemini season, I am spending time reflecting on how within us are many competing aspects. In a previous post, I outlined how I’ve always identified as the “Good Girl” despite the fact that within me also lies the “Rebel”. This theme has continued as I reflect on my life, who I […]

What Happens When We Self-Abandon?


In biology, a cell can either be in growth or protection mode, never both at the same time. When a cell is in protection mode, it uses all of its energy to preserve its original state, to prevent it from evolving, growing or changing. Similarly, in life, you, too, can not grow and evolve and […]

What is Holding You Back?

Life Purpose

Imagine at birth, you were given all of the pieces of a puzzle that you needed to become the best version of you.  Imagine then throughout your life, that you learned to hide some of the pieces because you didn’t think they would help you fit in.  Perhaps you took pieces from others that you believed would help […]

What If In Order to Come Together, We First Have to Fall Apart?


If you had asked me several years ago if I identified more with the good girl or the rebel, I likely would have said the good girl, hands down (with a few exceptions).  My need to “be the good girl” came from 1) a deep desire to avoid conflict at all costs (because it made […]

Are You the Good Girl or the Rebel?


Have you ever stopped in the middle of what you were doing, looked around and thought to yourself, “There has to got to be more to life than this!” If so, you’re not alone! We’ve all been there. We pick our heads up for a second and realize that we aren’t where we thought we […]

Are You Ready to Live the Life You Want?


A well-used, worn piece of cracked pottery is still beautiful when the light is allowed to filter through its cracks and chips. Imagine an ancient water jug that has cracks and chips, where the paint has faded and the shine has worn away from over-use. When we look at it, we can appreciate how it […]

“Heaven Let Your Light Shine” Through
